Old man winter is here! We have had cold rain and snow flurries for the past three days...the front of the winter storm that has brought much of the North eastern part of the USA to a standstill. We are still moving about...but it is the kind of weather where a self respecting Polar bear is huddled near a fire, heh.


I have been following the tax debate in the states wondering if any politician really has the guts to do anything about a tax code that is totally fucked up! Face it people...taxes are a necessity. The government has to have revenue to provide the infrastructure for business and the public.

We had snow flurries yesterday pushed sideways by a 2 degree 40mph wind. I reckon that means winter is on the way and it is time to dig out the cold weather gear. It has been a enjoyable summer and fall but now it is time to start snuggling in and staying warm.

I am getting an appointment next week to get the old Madza ready for winter...tune up and anti-freeze checked and probably change the oil to 5W10.

I have never been a fan of democracy...break the word down...demo, short for demonstration and cracy, well, to me it means crazy...democracy just means demonstrating being crazy. And it is crazy to support a system that allows the public to vote themselves a free lunch. No, not a free lunch but a lunch paid for by the sweat of others.

I was scanning the European news when I run across this article in Spiegel.

Hurricane Irene, now Tropical Storm Irene has been on every TV station for the past few days. One would think that with that much warning that there was one hell of a storm headed their everyone would look for some place safe. Evidently not...I just heard a few minutes ago that at least eleven deaths are attributed to 'Irene'.

I took some time this beautiful Sunday morning to scan the NY Times and run across this bit that caused me to read out loud and say WHAT THE FXXX?

"The ailing economy, barely growing at the same pace as the population, has swept all other political issues to the sidelines. Twenty-five million Americans could not find full-time jobs last month. Millions of families cannot afford to live in their homes. And the contentious debate over raising the federal debt ceiling — which Mr.

So, the bill passed the house and senate and Emperor Obama was brought down off his throne. And now he bitches: “Voters may have chosen divided government,” he said, “but they sure didn’t vote for dysfunctional government.”

Well, I agree with him there. But which party is dysfunctional? I crown both as being self centered and worried more about the 2112 elections than they are about the fiscal welfare of the country.

Some in congress are scared no doubt.

My angel and I are sitting at the kitchen table at times listening to the radio on this foggy St John's NL Sunday morning. I get a kick out of the station, VOCM, ( it is on line if ya wanna Google it )thirty minutes of oldies music alternated with thirty minutes of bible thumping by various hard core shamans. My angel is on her laptops...yeah she is using two...working on her Facebook Frontierville games and I have been reading the NY Times which as always gets me on a soapbox.......

I am an American. I have always supported my country; at one time to the point in serving in the USAF for over 22 years. I have always believed that the representative constitutional republic that governs the USA is the best of all possible governments because of three facts. One is that the constitution protects the minority from tyranny from the majority.

The weather has been beautiful here for the past three days...very similar to central Florida west coast winters with a low at night in the 40sF and in the 70s during the day. But rain is predicted for today and the next two days so we took advantage of the nice evening and took a walk in a local park with playgrounds. There were some youngsters knocking a softball around on the ball diamond and some others on the tennis court.

We got to the Mount Pearl,

Newfoundland Festival grounds early yesterday so we could find a parking place...heh..only had to walk a few blocks carrying our borrowed folding chairs. But the walk was well worth the effort! Sunday is always the final and 'biggest' day of the festival. There were all kinds of games of chance...you know, the kind that rip you off and if you win ya get a China made 25 cent stuffed toy. There was a lot of over priced food concessions as well.
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I am an American living in Newfoundland. Much of what I write will be about Island life and the beauty of this piece of rock in the North West Atlantic
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